Wind of Change: From Burma to Vietnam?

Friday, October 5, 2007


I think it is sad that dictorships still exist. My heart is with the Burmese and Vietnamese people whose rights are violated in any possible ways. I am therefore very happy to see that the Burmese people had the courage to stand up for their rights, take back what belong to them - freedom! I think ( or rather I hope) that Vietnam will be next. People power! that's what Burma and Vietnam need. At the same time, international support and pressure on the regime will help tremendously.What do you think? Please share your comments


grace2003 said...

My heart goes out to the Burmese people in their struggle for freedom and democracy. The uprising in Burma in the last couple of weeks is a proof that the Burmese people haven't given up their fight for freedom since the last major crack-down in 1988, which make me think of my own people, who, after more than 32 years of continous poverty under the communist dictatorship, are still fighting everyday to break free. Like Tam Tinh Tuoi Tre said, dictatorship shouldn't be allowed to exist; and I truly believe that one day the Vietnamese and Burmese people will win their right to live in a free and democratic country.

Thway Ni said...

Hi guyz,

Thanks so much for ur show of support. We will be posting our wonderful video on our blog. We have also added you in our blog roll.

Indeed, there are many similarities between the events of our countries.

May we be able to free our countries from dictatorship.

-Thway Ni-
Burmese Bloggers w/o Borders

Unknown said...

Yeh.. That's true. Now the wind of democracy is sweeping troughout the region. I can feel the smell of revolution, desperate to autocracy, curiousity for absolute freedom throughout the region. Now yound Singaporeans are questioning. You, Vietnamese are getting idea of regional revolution. Poor Chinese civilians will definitely want to see what is democracy. We need to cooperate and strike down the aged dictatorship all over the region. We should start to fight regional stronghold China with our weapon of Oylumpic Boycott.

Get up! Stand up! take up our weapon!